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Based off of the graphs, there is a slight difference between the exercised mice tumor size and MDSC levels. The whole idea of this project was to test the theory of how prolonged acute exercise can affect early tumor growth development and MDSC levels. The relationship tumors and MDSCs have are usually linked with aggressive cancer growth, and increased metastasization because MDSCs are in control of various immune responses. MDSCs have the capability to completely stop the main function of NK and T cells, and are usually found in high inflammatory environments. When exercise is incorporated with early tumor development it has the capability to slow down tumor growth and restrict mestastation within the body. The fundamental findings from the research was that exercise has the ability to suppress tumor growth, however because the tumors were in for a short amount of time, the amount of MDSCs found in the samples did not provide enough information for a reliable conclusion. Because the tumors were not in for a substantial amount of time, when this project is conducted again, the tumors should be in the mammary gland longer than a little less than two weeks. The importance of this is to ensure that exercise does have an impact on tumor size and cancer progression so that this method of immunotherapy can be used outside that lab on real patients.  

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